Amongst the Dead Flowers.

Lately my creativity has been non existent. It comes in the most inappropriate times, where sadness lurks or darkness stagnates. But then the soul of the sun rises and beams an almighty ray and I am at peace with creativity again, eating every morsel as it enters my mind. What sparked such a thing. Dead flowers rotting in a vase. Sometimes artists are like sad clowns filled with Palma violets dipped in acid?

The Lost Souls club.

Have you ever had a period in your life where you felt lost. You were stuck in a rut and you didn’t know how to untangle your way out. You didn’t know where you were going, what you were doing or where you belonged?

Just know it’s  ok we have all been there, it gets easier. You figure things out in the end. Just stay positive, act on motivation and keep your head up high.

Listen to Bill Murray he knows what he’s on about.


You’ll figure it out. Im not worried about you.  I know you have got this ❤️


Wouldn’t the world be great, if everyone lived in harmony, no judgement, no quarrel. Just peace. No backchat or hierarchy, no green eyes. Just a happy life full of happy people. No feelings of loneliness amongst a world booming with bodies. No subliminal messages and unspoken words. No bad tones and negative feelings. Just a atom of love that disperses when the cold air hits.

Our world goes on about a healthy happy life but why are we victims to such negativity? We need to unite against that invisible evil, that hatred that rises. we are no race colour or creed we are humans and there is good in us all. Don’t let those that fall victim to the dark hole be our eyes for all souls. The world is a messed up place already. Come
together and be the good juju that 
the world needs.

Me and my mum had a discussion once, I told her I felt like running away from this place, she said me too but whose going to lock the doors? I just thought it moments of sadness there is always humour. Be good to one another and laugh until your belly hurts.


To tear myself in two.

To tear myself in two. Wouldn’t that be great.

To be who I’m meant to be and be who I want to be wouldn’t be such sweet sorrow.

I find myself stuck in my mind a lot. That lonely place where darkness meets day and day meets night.

That place where my conscious and subconscious converse about my everyday actions, influencing and battling amongst  her Majesty Juju . The guilt trip and the happy trip, lets have a souvenir trip.

The mind.. what a powerful embodiment of life. The mind what a destruction of oneself.

The self, me the puppet in a play. Being pulled by the strings of my own making. Unable to break from the grip of emotion that seems to be flooding through like the light of darkness.

This makes no logical sense, no real story. My words are being fed by my emotions. Let what I feel cascade across the screen like the typings of a mad person or maybe more so a sad person.

The headache I feel every time I drain myself of tears. The loss of a loved one, the loss of myself. Being lost.

Floating forever .