To tear myself in two.

To tear myself in two. Wouldn’t that be great.

To be who I’m meant to be and be who I want to be wouldn’t be such sweet sorrow.

I find myself stuck in my mind a lot. That lonely place where darkness meets day and day meets night.

That place where my conscious and subconscious converse about my everyday actions, influencing and battling amongst  her Majesty Juju . The guilt trip and the happy trip, lets have a souvenir trip.

The mind.. what a powerful embodiment of life. The mind what a destruction of oneself.

The self, me the puppet in a play. Being pulled by the strings of my own making. Unable to break from the grip of emotion that seems to be flooding through like the light of darkness.

This makes no logical sense, no real story. My words are being fed by my emotions. Let what I feel cascade across the screen like the typings of a mad person or maybe more so a sad person.

The headache I feel every time I drain myself of tears. The loss of a loved one, the loss of myself. Being lost.

Floating forever .