In the mood to shoot.

Yes you heard it here.. Bangshe has her mojo back. Who knows how long for, it may be a month, a week, a day or even just tonight but that feeling came and it felt wonderful. Like the little man that hangs on my back, went on holiday and allowed me to be free, even just for tonight.

I’ve always loved photography but nowadays I find everyone is a photographer and its somewhat  destroyed the passion I had for it. However today it came back and I remembered that everyone can be a photographer but not everyone can capture the eye. Subject is always going to change and thats how you separate yourself from the mundane.

Im not saying i’m not mundane. Ive been known to use the convenience of my phone to take selfies or foodporn and there is nothing wrong with it. But no thought is needed in these and sometimes I forget the really inspirational photographers who have influenced and fuelled my passion. This goes out to the photographers that got my imagination smiling.

Arthur Tress: 

His staged surrealism, dark nature, dreamscape depiction, fantasy and controversial subtexts are the thing of beauty.


Nadia Lee Cohen

A British based photographer and film maker hugely influenced by British and Americana in the 1950s, 60’s and 70’s. Saturation, dreamscapes and the female figure all inspire her quirky pop visuals.

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Don Mccullin 

A classic war photojournalist exposing the realities of the urban strife. Focusing on the disadvantaged, unemployed and downtrodden.



Diane Arbus

Took a surrealist approach on marginalised people, creating voices for the shunned.


These are only a few of the great and their work captures something truly powerful. Crisp black and white imagery, pops of colour, surreal dreamscapes. Dark eerie and stark. All documented with one camera but with a big imagination and passion.
